Thursday, November 10, 2011

Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time...

Thanksgiving is fun and all but let's face it. The decorations are atrocious. Orange and I have never been that friendly. Brown and I have had a long time love affair but it's nothing compared to my feelings for red and white. So at my house I gracefully acknowledge Thanksgiving but never it's decor. We skip right on over to Christmas starting the first week of November. It's my personal tradition and gift to myself to put up my Christmas tree during the week of my birthday. The Christmas CDs get dusted off and the holly jolly good time goes into full effect. Thank goodness I was blessed with an indulgent and tolerant husband. Only once has he tried to convince me that the tree shouldn't go up until the day after Thanksgiving. I told him if he could submit proof of that in writing then we would follow the rule. Needless to say the tree is always in it's full glory for weeks before the turkey is sliced.

There's absolutely no rhyme or reason to my decor scheme of my main tree. If I like an ornament, I buy it and hang it. My smaller trees have themes and are precious but nothing sets my heart a flutter like my "anything goes" tree. It's got it all! A King Tut, a hamburger, a sequined T-Rex, Dwight K. Shrute bobble head, a carousel horse, Harry Potter, Hello Kitty, a string of butterflies, Angels, parrots etc etc etc.
I'll work on getting some good shots to share now that I have a handy dandy new Sony NEX-5N camera.

No matter how many ornaments I have, it just never seems to be enough. Here's a few Etsy favorites from this year:

Felt Cat Ornaments

Christmas Tree Decoration, Felt Blue Cat with sparkling SnowFlake for Winter Decor
Visit these guys at Strung Art


Christmas Ornaments Set Of 5 Fake Mini Cupcakes Christmas Tree Decoration candy land Theme assorted colores

Vintage Deer

Vintage Christmas Ornament

I've got to talk my mom into giving me our vintage silver tinsel tree next year!!! Tra la la la la!!!

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