Thursday, April 19, 2012

To Russia, with Love

One of my most prized possessions is an authentic Russian stacking doll that my mom brought back to me as a souvenir from her trip to Alaska. (Hopefully, everyone knows that Alaska was purchased from Russia back in the day, so many of the smaller villages are still thick with Russian culture.) Although this was a gorgeous gift that anyone would admire and be thrilled to receive, it meant much more to me.

Everyone has their thing they like. Some people like penguins, for some reason frogs seem to be popular, horses, etc... Well my thing happens to be stacking dolls (and the occasional seahorse). If I ever see a mermaid themed stacking doll riding a seahorse, I'll possibly faint.

 My fascination started when I was much younger. Every year around Christmas when my mom and I would go to the mall to do our holiday shopping we would always spend a ridiculous amount of time in one particular home store (Kirkland's to be exact) buying picture frames, pillows, candle holders and other similar items. It never failed, every year right on the front table in Kirkland's there would be a Santa themed stacking doll. To my under 10 little heart it was about the most interesting, beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. Each Santa opened up to reveal a different Santa from around the world and in the very center was a teeny tiny miniature one. (I also have quite a thing for all things small and tiny.) It was shiny and smooth and I shamelessly begged for it. For whatever reason, Mama always said no. I'm sure it was crazy over priced and she probably couldn't imagine what I would do with it. Honestly, I don't know what I would've done with it either. Good ole Santa would've been a horrible addition to my Barbie collection. But regardless, I wanted it. So I would cry and cry (not in a bratty, kicking and screaming way, more of a pitiful "my best friend is moving away" kind of sob) until I got distracted in the Hello Kitty store. But every year there would be my Santa. So you can imagine my reaction a good 15+ years later when my sweet Mama returned home with the most gorgeous Matroyshka I've ever seen. Yup, I cried. It's a hand painted, gold, blue and rose colored beauty who tells the traditional Russian folk story of Peter and the Wolf on the bellies of all the dolls. Needless to say, she was definitely worth the wait and much prettier than Santa ever could be.

 Sadly, I only have 3 dolls in my collection. It seems like most of the ones I see for sale these days have a variety of different themes and have less of the traditional Babushka look. Here are some of my most favorite traditional AND themed ones. Maybe I should consider adding to my collection pretty soon.



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No way, Jose

Yes, I admit that I'm one of those crazy bitches that thinks dressing her dog up in tiny T-shirts and dresses is about the most adorable thing on Earth. I've barely had my nugget a month and she already has quite an extensive wardrobe. Granted, most of it is too big for her right now. One thing she doesn't have, though, is a costume. I know once Halloween gets closer I will be on a mad search for the perfect ensemble for her. Personally, I think a Doggy Gaga or a Mini Cher would be perfect for my sweet WeWe. Even a mermaid or a teeny tiny Carmen Miranda could be a good idea. As we all know though, for every good idea there's at least ten bad ones. Here's some costumes though won't be making the cut.

Halfway There

Wednesdays are pretty much are the skeevy old uncles of the ever dreaded Monday. Hopefully these funny pictures will help to ease the pain and shoot your right to five o'clock. Enjoy!

Who doesn't love the Rock??

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

May the odds be ever in your favor

Hunger Games, Hunger Games, Hunger Games! That's pretty much all I've thought about the last few weeks (other than Weetzie). I put off reading these for a VERY long time. One of my sweet friends has literally been recommending them to me for years and I resisted. I don't like sad books, I don't like dystopian novels, blah blah. Resisting one friend's recommendation was easy. However, one friend turned into three rabid Hunger Games fanatics before I knew it. So I broke down and bought the first one for my Kindle. It was $5. I figured if I didn't like it, I hadn't lost much. Boy was I wrong!

Ladies and Gentleman, I am here today to formally admit that I was a fool to not read these sooner. I read all three books in 4 days. 3 of which were work days! (Thank goodness for the Kindle Iphone app or I may have called in sick!) Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe what happened to me. I forced my husband to read the first one in 2 days time so we could see the movie. I'm pretty sure I could've won an award for speed reading if someone would've been timing me.

Although, the movie left out a few things that I enjoyed, mostly Madge and the significance of all the bread, I thought it was wonderful. I felt like I had been watching it for barely an hour, not almost 3. All the actors were great representations of the characters and the attention to detail was amazing. I didn't think there was anyway the fire costume could be as hot (cheesy, I know) as it is described but low and behold it was! Sign me up! Cinna can light me on fire any time he wants! Meow!

Of course, I was "Team Peeta" from the start. My husband is not quite finished with the third book and is still pulling for Katniss and Gale to end up together. He was way too moody and brooding for me. Peeta was definitely the better choice. He had loved her for so long and after what happened with Prim there's just no way Gale was getting my vote.

As if I'm not nerdy enough, I purchased this lovely bracelet on Etsy the other day.

I wonder how many times I can re-read the books before the next movie comes out in November 2013????

New Addition

Finally I have a legit reason for neglecting my blog for months on end. I am happy to announce that there's a new baby at my house. Meet Weetzie.

 (named for my favorite book, Weetzie Bat)

She's a 12 week old, 1 pound, brindle chihuahua and she's basically taken over our lives. After much begging and pleading, my sweet husband finally agreed to let me get her. In typical male fashion he's now obsessed with her. The cats and rabbit are taking a bit longer to warm up to her but there's been no blood shed so that's a good sign!

She's the snuggliest little nugget you could ever imagine. She loves to get under the covers and sleep as close to her mama as possible. I've even woken up to find her curled up asleep inside my shirt. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old and for the most part she is already paper trained. There's a few "uh ohs" here and there but what baby doesn't have accidents?

My mom got a new baby too. Her name is LuLu and she's a Yorkie. Our family had a Yorkie, Sophie, for 15 years and she recently went to Doggy Heaven so LuLu is doing a great job mending broken hearts.

"Watch who you talkin' to esse!"

She's definitely a sassy little creature and has been such a blessing to my husband and I during some of the difficult things we've been dealing with. I wouldn't trade my Weetzie for anything in the world.