Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New additions to the Zoo

After years of collecting dust, I finally got my fish tanks up and running again this week. They are only little one gallon tanks but they are perfect homes for Betta Fish which just happen to be my favorite! Petco had a wide selection of bettas and after 45 minutes of hard decision making I finally picked out these two beautiful boys. The top one is a Crowntail Betta named Miyazaki Moonbeam. The bottom fish is a Veiltail Betta named Valentino Jitterbug. (Do I sound insane yet??? Just wait, there's more.) The Internets are very handy but once I get on idea in my head, I get obsessed and will Google said idea until I've read everything possible about it. Well, once I decided to get new Fancy Fish Boys I started doing research about Bettas so I could provide them with the best possible habitats. (Believe it or not, I have a big ole soft heart when it comes to animals. People, not so much, but I love animals.) I've had numerous Bettas in my lifetime and after doing some research I basically felt awful that my poor deceased Fabio, Indigo BlueJean and Sushi Glitterati didn't get the best treatment. Here's what I learned:

1) Betta fish can't stay still in the water when they sleep like other fish. They need to lay down. (Makes sense now why Fabio was always laying on the rocks, I thought my cat had given him brain damage.) They prefer to have a soft leaf to lay on. So of course, my crazy ass ordered 2 Betta hammocks on Amazon. I actually caught Valentino snoozing on a silk leaf this morning!

2) Bettas thrive in warm water. Preferably around 75 degrees. So I ordered two little tank heaters. (Thank you Amazon reward points!)

3) Bettas can suffer from many different ailments but there is a alot of medicine available. (Fish medicine, who knew?)

4) Male bettas blow bubble nests when they are breeding and they place the eggs/fry into the bubbles. However, a male betta that is super happy in his habitat may blow a nest even if there are no females present.

So basically, I'm a crazy person who easily gets obsessed. If I join a Betta club and start showing Bettas like prize winning horses, please lock me up. K? Thanks!


My sweet Miyazaki Moonbeam went to the big fish tank in the sky. He's now been replaced with a gorgeous silver boy named Yuki Neptune. Hopefully he will be a heartier Betta. I also bought some baby bettas to try to raise! I've lost my mind!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Artist Alert!

My sweet hubby and I had a 3 day getaway in New Orleans this weekend. It's by far our favorite place to run away to! (It helps that it's only 3 hours away!) Our main reason for the trip was to attend a burlesque show (Which was awesome! But more on that later.) but we also were hunting for great local art to hang in the house. We ended up only buying one piece but we wandered in and out of dozens of art galleries. Most were grossly out of our price range but hey! They are like little museums. We were lucky enough to find a great gallery that housed a few Picasso's, Dali's and Chagall's but my most favoritest (Yes, I know that's not a real word!) artist of all was a local artist, Sarah Ashley Longshore. Her works were enormous and colorful and pop art, which I'm quite keen on. I would basically hock my house for one of her pieces. She also seems incredibly cool (of course, I googled her balls off!) She is a designer for Anthropologie among other nifty things! I wish I could post a pic of the pieces from the gallery because one was so bad ass that it had gummi bears and Storm Troopers. However, here are a few amazing pics I've been able to find on the Internets and her lovely website . Enjoy!

She's fabulous! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Doing some serious girl crushin' this week on Miss Florence Welch. (Florence + the Machine, Duh!)
She's beautiful and gives me the willies at the same time.
Her witchy voices makes me want to strip naked and chant in the forest.
I'm pretty sure her clothes are made in an eerie hazy dreamscape somewhere.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bear With Me

Today has been beyond annoying. So I feel like complaining, and if you can't complain on your own blog then where can you complain???

1. School is a bitch.
2. I have personal health shenanigans..
3. I am battling gnats at work.
4. My dog tore my earring hole a little and it won't heal!
5. My pants have stretched out over the day and keep sliding off my butt, therefore making my panties slide down too!
6. It's August in Mississippi. I'm sweating like it's my job.
7. The damn ladder is STILL in my bathroom!
8. I fell asleep early last night and ruined my plans to craft and do girl things.
9. I'm backlogged at work due to the branch offices not working two days during the hurricane.
10. Did I mention there are gnats flying full speed at my face?? I'm a human windshield!
11. My dog refuses to be trained to walk on a leash.
12. I have a multitude of new books and no time to read them.
13. My phone just died and I don't have a charger.
14. I want to do hood rat thangs with my frands! But alas, I have no time.
15. My new face primer makes my face feel slimy and weird.
16. I have to take short lunches this week and can't go home and see my nugget.
17. Speaking of nuggets, how the hey is Snookie's baby so freaking cute??
18. I accidentally locked two of my cats in a bedroom all night and I'm afraid when I get home they will have revenge pooped on something I like.
19. I attempted to take home my 5 tiny cactus plants last night but ended up dumping them in the floor and I'm pretty sure they are going to die.
20. I have cactus needles stuck in my fingers from cleaning up the mess.
21. Almost all the ceiling bulbs have blown out at my house and my hubby hasn't replaced them. It's like living in a cave.
22. I have an irrational fear of ladders and can't change them myself.
23. I also have an irrational fear of caves. And being kidnapped.
24. I just realized I forgot to put my lipstick on today.
25. I have numerous pairs of panties with holes in the. Some of them are my favorites!

Ok that's probably enough. I'm sure you're thinking these sound like champagne problems, but there are 25!!! Even champagne problems start to wear on a girl when there's that many!