Feeling lucky today? Then enter the Free Shoes For A Year contest on nastygal.com! A winner will be chosen on January 31, 2012 and will receive a free pair of shoes of their choice each month for the next year!! I basically would be satisfied to never win another single thing in my life (not that I've really been stacking up trophies or anything) if I won this contest! I'm a complete shoe freak and NastyGal always has a wonderful selection of shoes, including my favorite, Jeffrey Campbell! I've already submitted my entry, good luck if you do the same!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Photo # 20
20) Someone You Love
My Mama
All in all she's always been a fabulous mother, even if she did drive me and my friends a little nutty in high school. To be honest, we might've been a teensy bit out of control. Just a teeny bit though! :)
That cute tiny nugget to the left is me.
This year before the Lady Gaga concert because yes, she is that fun mom everyone wishes they had.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
A few weeks ago I got third holes pierced in both of my ears. It hurt way worse than I remembered in the past but I survived. The pain was worth it to have yet another place for sparkles. You'd think a total of six holes would be enough for one girl but no. Now I'm considering getting a tragus piercing. I'm just not sure if it's me. I'm thinking it is. I've never wanted any other body piercings like belly button or even my nose. (Although, I would've rocked a cute little diamond nose stud.) Maybe this will be a little gift to myself the first time I go visit a certain someone who's moving to Memphis...
Granny Ninja
This lady reminds me of the little gray headed lady from Madagascar that keeps whacking the animals with her purse. I bet these thugs were just glad she wasn't packing heat in that handbag.
Moonrise Kingdom
Photo #18
18) Something I Bought
I've become a a total bracelet addict lately and I just got these lovely ladies from forever21.com last night. They don't go with my outfit today at all but I couldn't pass up wearing my new pretties.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Photos # 16 & 17
Huzzah! I'm caught back up again!
16) Morning
Every morning goes exactly like this for me. Phin must have a little attention in the morning and secretly, I don't think he trusts me to pick out a good outfit without his help.
17) Water
I'm cheating again and using a picture I already have. This was taken in Costa Rica on our honeymoon last year on the Caribbean side of the country. I wish I was back there right now. Especially considering what a rainy day we're having.
Desperate For Inspiration
I'm planning on making an inspiration board for my desk area at work soon. My office is so drab and gray that I could really use some pretty pictures to look at. I do most of my blogging at work (Don't judge! I've got to stay busy somehow!) so it would be very beneficial to have images of things I enjoy blogging about right in front of me. I would love to have a huge inspiration board but my space is pretty limited so I'll have to settle for a more scaled down version. I can't wait for my new magazines to start arriving. I'll get so many great pictures from them! Here's some of my favorite boards I've seen so far, thanks to Pinterest.
Photos #14 & 15
14) Something I'm Reading
Fruits Basket Vol. 1
I've been exploring the world of manga lately and my sweet librarian bestie recommended this one.
15) Happiness
Some much needed girl time this weekend before the hottie in the glasses moves farther away.
A night full of wedding cake martinis, glee karaoke, wine & cheese and a trip to the comic book store could make any old sourpuss happy.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Coming Soon to a Screen Near You
This weekend, I went to see Beauty and the Beast 3D with two of my favorite girls. While, it's never been my favorite Disney princess movie, (Little Mermaid fans, let me hear your say "YEAH!") it was pretty cool to see the first movie I ever went to the theater to see, in theaters again. We saw some pretty cute trailers for upcoming cartoon movies so I thought I would share a few of the movies I'm wanting to see with you.
What are you excited to see??
Coming Soon
February 17, 2012
Oh Studio Ghibli, you make my nerdy heart all aflutter!
June 22, 2012
A ginger haired, Scottish heroine? Yes, please!
March 2, 2012
I've never EVER been a Dr. Seuss fan but this looked entirely to cute to miss.
In Theaters Now
Coming Soon to DVD
January 24, 2012
February 21, 2012
March 13, 2012
What are you excited to see??
Friday, January 13, 2012
Photos 11, 12, & 13
I'm finally caught up!

11) Where I Sleep

Next on my list of things to do is to pick out a pretty
duvet cover and fancy up our bedroom.
12) Closeup
I feel like this could be a poster for a bad scary movie.
13) In My Bag
Typical girl stuff, lipstick, hairspray, a scarf, hand sanitizer, wallet full of pennies.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
An Unlikely Fan
(Prepare yourselves for how random this post is about to be.)
Sports. As a whole, I can honestly say I hate them. Now of course I don't mean soccer, or any kind of X-games sport and I've never been to a hockey game but as far as American football, baseball, golf & tennis go, I would rather jab chopsticks in my eardrums than have to listen to sports announcers. (Shockingly, I was a high school cheerleader so maybe that's partly to blame.) They have to be the most annoying people on Earth. Thankfully, my husband is not an avid sports fan and will turn the TV to something else when I come in the room. He's a doll.
While my hatred for sports runs deep, I do have a confession to make. I like basketball. I don't just like it, I secretly LOVE it. Sometimes I even watch it when Micah isn't there. It's true. This prissy little white girl that would rather buy shoes than food likes basketball. It's fast paced, lots of action, lots of scoring, the rules are fairly easy to follow, and there's freakishly tall guys. (I, myself, do not understand my extreme fascination with tall people. It's weird and I'm ok with it.) However, it's not just basketball that I love, it's Lebron James, or BronBron as I like to call him.
I'm obsessed. This 6'8'' man has totally won me over. Now I know that there were a few hurt feelings when he decided to "take his talents to Miami" but I have two things to say to that.
1) Who wouldn't want to move to the beach with their pretty lady and cute babies when they had lived in cold Ohio their whole life??
2) If you were that good at something, you might be a tad bit arrogant too. Although, I don't believe he meant it that way. Not my BronBron.
He truly seems like a nice guy. I follow him on Twitter and I will say that I've been impressed at how often he is thanking people, or posting pictures with fans he's met after games. Not to mention how devoted he seems to be to his two little mini mes. He's still with his high school sweetheart and mother of his sons, for Pete's sake! He isn't out catting around like so many sports stars these days. *cough A-Rod & Jeter cough* While I would've preferred to see him propose to his lady sooner than he has, I'm still super happy that they are engaged. (I'm secretly hoping they will have a baby girl once they get married!)
Seriously, could these kids be any cuter??
Sports. As a whole, I can honestly say I hate them. Now of course I don't mean soccer, or any kind of X-games sport and I've never been to a hockey game but as far as American football, baseball, golf & tennis go, I would rather jab chopsticks in my eardrums than have to listen to sports announcers. (Shockingly, I was a high school cheerleader so maybe that's partly to blame.) They have to be the most annoying people on Earth. Thankfully, my husband is not an avid sports fan and will turn the TV to something else when I come in the room. He's a doll.
While my hatred for sports runs deep, I do have a confession to make. I like basketball. I don't just like it, I secretly LOVE it. Sometimes I even watch it when Micah isn't there. It's true. This prissy little white girl that would rather buy shoes than food likes basketball. It's fast paced, lots of action, lots of scoring, the rules are fairly easy to follow, and there's freakishly tall guys. (I, myself, do not understand my extreme fascination with tall people. It's weird and I'm ok with it.) However, it's not just basketball that I love, it's Lebron James, or BronBron as I like to call him.
I'm obsessed. This 6'8'' man has totally won me over. Now I know that there were a few hurt feelings when he decided to "take his talents to Miami" but I have two things to say to that.
1) Who wouldn't want to move to the beach with their pretty lady and cute babies when they had lived in cold Ohio their whole life??
2) If you were that good at something, you might be a tad bit arrogant too. Although, I don't believe he meant it that way. Not my BronBron.
He truly seems like a nice guy. I follow him on Twitter and I will say that I've been impressed at how often he is thanking people, or posting pictures with fans he's met after games. Not to mention how devoted he seems to be to his two little mini mes. He's still with his high school sweetheart and mother of his sons, for Pete's sake! He isn't out catting around like so many sports stars these days. *cough A-Rod & Jeter cough* While I would've preferred to see him propose to his lady sooner than he has, I'm still super happy that they are engaged. (I'm secretly hoping they will have a baby girl once they get married!)
Seriously, could these kids be any cuter??
Look out, hot Mama!
I will always be a supporter of nice, family guys no matter what. As far as I know, he's never been involved in any sort of scandal or substantial controversy. I really think other sports players could learn a thing or two from this man. He's still young but really seems to have his head on straight. Inside that humongous shell there seems to be an equally as big heart, and for that, I am a fan.
So yeah, there it is. Rah, Rah! Go #6!!
Side note to BronBron, if you ever find yourself reading this:
Please do not do anything undeserving of the praise I have just given you. If you make an ass of me I will turn on you like Ole Yeller turned on Travis. I would hate to have to put you on my list of Unforgivables alongside Tom Brady, Ben Roethlisberger and Tiger Woods. But don't test me.
Also, Chris Bosh runs like Filch from Harry Potter. Please help him. He has such potential.
Also, Chris Bosh runs like Filch from Harry Potter. Please help him. He has such potential.
Photos 8, 9 & 10
8) My Sky
9) Daily Routine
Each morning when I get to work, I fix a drink in my Wicked cup, fake busy, and check out all the new posts on my blogroll.
10) Childhood
Puppy and Molly are my oldest toys. I've actually had puppy since before I was even born. They've been the most reliable companions a girl could ask for. I used to take them everywhere with me. The beach, the mountains, they've even been to college. It's amazing how even to today that I can be comforted by them when I'm sick or sad.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I've always wanted to be the kind of girl that subscribes to Vogue and reads it from cover to cover. I'm sure that sounds snooty and pretentious but it's just always been one of those things for me. When I still lived at home I had a subscription to TeenVogue that I looked forward to getting every month. My sweet Daddy always renewed it for me and continued to even after I was no longer a teen or lived at home. Finally, the magazines stopped coming one day and I assumed he realized his little girl no longer needed a teen magazine. This happened years ago and I never have bought another subscription to a magazine. Mostly because I was broke and my money needed to go elsewhere. I picked up magazines here and there when I could but not very often. So today while doing my morning troll of my favorite websites I saw an ad for a W magazine, $12 for a year's subscription! Leaping lizards, Batman!!! For $12 I can get mail again that isn't just bills or clothes catalogs! There's no way I was passing that up. The photography is always gorgeous and I deserve a little monthly fun mail. So, I put in my credit card info and decide to splurge and get 2 years for $24, hit checkout and almost cried. There was a button to add 1 year of Vogue to my order for $15. While this was an extremely happy moment. it was a little sad too. Had the magazine price drastically gone down in the past few years or did I really not have 2 nickels to rub together back then? Needless to say, I added it. Hell, yeah! I'm going to get two presents in the mail each month! Then I saw it. Vanity Fair, 1 year, $15. Now, I've never been that big of a a Vanity Fair reader. I've probably only bought two or so editions. But the cover they were using for the advertisement was a Gaga one. Paging Hailey's weakness! Party of one fabulous diva named Lady Gaga. I couldn't resist. $54 later, I'm getting 3 magazines a month and I couldn't be happier. :)
My friends and I could've made some serious collages back in the day with these babies!
My friends and I could've made some serious collages back in the day with these babies!
Photos 6 & 7
6) Makes Me Smile
When I go out of town my sweet husband never fails to send me a pic of him and Phin. (we do have other pets but he shows EXTREME favoritism for his #1 son) Micah always looks so happy and poor Phin looks like he's barely tolerating it. They're a funny pair.
7) Favorite
Lately, one of my favorite things to do is have a cup of lemon mint tea when I get in bed for the night. I collect cute, vintage teacups so it also gives me a chance to enjoy them a little more too.
Weekend Update
Go ahead and call me a slacker. We all know it's true. (and was bound to happen eventually!) I'm 6 days behind on the photo project that I was totally enjoying (I swear I'm working on it!) and I haven't even spoken of my goals from the weekend. Thankfully, I know I'm not the only slack blogger out there, so here's the scoop.
1) The macaroons were a bust. I couldn't even attempt them. The universe totally conspired against me on this one. Not only could I not find almond flour, but I couldn't find a set of decorating tips! Ridiculous, right?
Well it's not exactly fair to say I couldn't find ANY tips. There were plenty of full decorating sets for $30+ that I wasn't willing to buy because I have my own set an hour away at my parents house. I may have been defeated this time but low and behold I will triumph the macaroons if it's the last thing I do. I don't know where I'll find almond flour (Amazon? ha) but I WILL find some. Mark my words.
2) The gold spraying project went wonderfully! I had sprayed about 10 frames and was starting on the gnome and other obejcts when it started to rain. That was Sunday. It's still raining. So techinically it's a half finished project but due to circumstances I couldn't control. I'll get back to it.
3) I did manage to cook some pretty delicious meals though. Saturday I made rosemary and garlic brined chicken and roasted parmesan brussel sprouts. YUM! These were both first time recipes and they turned out great. Plus they were easy! Sunday I made a cold salad that I've made many times before. It's always a crowd pleaser. (You know that huge crowd of 2, me & M, that I feed.) It's a corn, tomato and avocado salad with bits of honey baked chicken and a lime vinaigrette dressing. I also made cake balls as a consolation prize for M since he didn't get the macaroons he was looking forward to.
I didn't manage take a single picture though. Maybe I'll get the hang of things soon.
Enjoy a sweet pic of my BooBoo Bunny instead.
1) The macaroons were a bust. I couldn't even attempt them. The universe totally conspired against me on this one. Not only could I not find almond flour, but I couldn't find a set of decorating tips! Ridiculous, right?
Well it's not exactly fair to say I couldn't find ANY tips. There were plenty of full decorating sets for $30+ that I wasn't willing to buy because I have my own set an hour away at my parents house. I may have been defeated this time but low and behold I will triumph the macaroons if it's the last thing I do. I don't know where I'll find almond flour (Amazon? ha) but I WILL find some. Mark my words.
2) The gold spraying project went wonderfully! I had sprayed about 10 frames and was starting on the gnome and other obejcts when it started to rain. That was Sunday. It's still raining. So techinically it's a half finished project but due to circumstances I couldn't control. I'll get back to it.
3) I did manage to cook some pretty delicious meals though. Saturday I made rosemary and garlic brined chicken and roasted parmesan brussel sprouts. YUM! These were both first time recipes and they turned out great. Plus they were easy! Sunday I made a cold salad that I've made many times before. It's always a crowd pleaser. (You know that huge crowd of 2, me & M, that I feed.) It's a corn, tomato and avocado salad with bits of honey baked chicken and a lime vinaigrette dressing. I also made cake balls as a consolation prize for M since he didn't get the macaroons he was looking forward to.
I didn't manage take a single picture though. Maybe I'll get the hang of things soon.
Enjoy a sweet pic of my BooBoo Bunny instead.
Friday, January 6, 2012
It's Going to be a Golden Afternoon
One more goal for the weekend is to upcycle some things that I'm tired of looking at but can't quite part with yet. Mostly, I'm just going to spray paint stuff until I like it again. Spray painting is extremely satisfying (it's quick, easy and you can't mess it up) so I'll probably go crazy and the next day ask myself why everything is now metallic gold. So far I only have a few a things that are definitely getting the gilded treatment.
1) a 1.5 ft tall gnome that was meant for the garden but alas, I have no garden. Once, he's shiny he'll be kitschy and cute and a perfect kitchen mascot.
3) assorted picture frames that are going to go on my living room wall behind the TV. It's a pretty high wall and the plan is to have a lovely collage of pictures and frames on it like below except more gold :)
1) a 1.5 ft tall gnome that was meant for the garden but alas, I have no garden. Once, he's shiny he'll be kitschy and cute and a perfect kitchen mascot.
2) a clear glass candy dish with a lid. It's actually fairly old but has no real significance so guess what! GOLD!
3) assorted picture frames that are going to go on my living room wall behind the TV. It's a pretty high wall and the plan is to have a lovely collage of pictures and frames on it like below except more gold :)
Oui, Oui
On Fridays I like to set a few goals for myself for the upcoming weekend. I rarely go through with them because let's face it, I'm lazy as hell. This weekend, though, I'm setting a goal and there's no way I'm not going through with it. Mostly, because it has to be do with food and I told my husband.
Husband + the promise of baked goods= achieved goal. He's so excited that he will be bugging me if I don't attempt this. So the plan is to try to make French Macaroons. They don't look terribly hard but too often I set my sights a little bit too high. I've got all the right equipment and after a quick trip to the grocery I'll have the ingredients. So hopefully, this will be a success! They're just so tasty and pretty! And how awesome would it be to be the girl that brings French macaroons to the party?? Seriously? Plus I feel like they are the next big thing once the cupcake crazy winds down a little bit. Gah, I feel like I just betrayed cupcakes by saying that. I swear I still love cupcakes but I'm somewhat over eating gobs of icing. Macaroons can basically be any color or flavor you want and let's not forget the filling. Oh my stars and garters, the possibilities are endless! I'll try to take some pictures of my attempt and let you know how it went.
Husband + the promise of baked goods= achieved goal. He's so excited that he will be bugging me if I don't attempt this. So the plan is to try to make French Macaroons. They don't look terribly hard but too often I set my sights a little bit too high. I've got all the right equipment and after a quick trip to the grocery I'll have the ingredients. So hopefully, this will be a success! They're just so tasty and pretty! And how awesome would it be to be the girl that brings French macaroons to the party?? Seriously? Plus I feel like they are the next big thing once the cupcake crazy winds down a little bit. Gah, I feel like I just betrayed cupcakes by saying that. I swear I still love cupcakes but I'm somewhat over eating gobs of icing. Macaroons can basically be any color or flavor you want and let's not forget the filling. Oh my stars and garters, the possibilities are endless! I'll try to take some pictures of my attempt and let you know how it went.
Photo #6
6) Makes You Smile
"She's in Love with the Boy"- Trisha Yearwood
There's nothing sweeter than cranking your car up to find that one of your favorite old songs is playing. This is one of the first songs I can remember knowing. It came out in 1991, I hadn't even turned 5 yet. That's how much I love this song. So today when it came on I couldn't help but smile and sing along. However, if it had been "Fancy" by Reba I probably would've stopped the car and re-enacted the music video.
Wanted: Amazing Nail Guru
I've been on a desperate search lately for a new nail salon. Yes, there is a nail salon on every corner it seems like but none of them offer what I'm wanting. I'm sure they all do lovely work but I need an artist. I want someone that can give me Gaga nails, or Katy Perry nails! I want someone that can work a airbrush gun like a single mom works the pole! I want glitter and rhinestones and transfers of the Bieber's face and ornaments of all sorts! Come on people! I want my nails to look like Cher and Gaga had a baby on them and Liberace was the daddy! I hate wearing fake nails but, I have tiny hands and very small nails so I guess I'll have to get tips of some sort. I'm hearing good things about gel nails lately. (No plastic tip, the aryclic goes right onto your nail as a reinforcement and as your nails grow you just add more acrylic to the base of the nail.) A very small price to pay for fabulosity like these little gems.
Ok this one might be a little too much, but when I finally get to take that trip to Japan, IT'S ON!! I'm finding a nail salon and I'm not going to leave until I have Tokyo traffic stopping nails!
Did you know that you can buy pre-painted and bedazzled nails on Etsy??
Check out the Never Too Much Glitter shop (best name ever!)
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