(named for my favorite book, Weetzie Bat)

She's a 12 week old, 1 pound, brindle chihuahua and she's basically taken over our lives. After much begging and pleading, my sweet husband finally agreed to let me get her. In typical male fashion he's now obsessed with her. The cats and rabbit are taking a bit longer to warm up to her but there's been no blood shed so that's a good sign!
She's the snuggliest little nugget you could ever imagine. She loves to get under the covers and sleep as close to her mama as possible. I've even woken up to find her curled up asleep inside my shirt. We've had her since she was 8 weeks old and for the most part she is already paper trained. There's a few "uh ohs" here and there but what baby doesn't have accidents?
My mom got a new baby too. Her name is LuLu and she's a Yorkie. Our family had a Yorkie, Sophie, for 15 years and she recently went to Doggy Heaven so LuLu is doing a great job mending broken hearts.
"Watch who you talkin' to esse!"
She's definitely a sassy little creature and has been such a blessing to my husband and I during some of the difficult things we've been dealing with. I wouldn't trade my Weetzie for anything in the world.
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