Monday, February 27, 2012
Take Another Little Piece of my Heart
I'm resisting buying this right this very second because I gave up online shopping for Lent but WOW. This jacket has me written all over it.
Add these Minnetonka Moccasins I'm also lusting after and I would be a less boozy Janis Joplin.
Au naturel
On Saturday the hubs and I went to the Gem, Mineral and Fossil show here in Jackson. (He really is down for anything and this was actually his idea!) I can honestly say it was one of the most interesting trade shows I've ever been to, and I love me a good craft show! But this place was like The Nature Store (Remember that place? Yet another reason why the 90's rocked.) on crack. We're both fairly nerdy individuals and the oddest things tend to pique our interests, such as a good rock. I don't know how one becomes a trader of quartz chunks and fossils but it just might be my life calling. I curse myself everyday for not becoming a paleontologist. Epic life fail. The vendors truly had some amazing things to offer and I really racked up on some beauties. I walked away with an amber and silver ring, a quartz necklace pendant and a stunning jade bangle. We also got a nifty little tree to display in our home that is made of wire and set on a slade of purple quartz. The two round half orb thingys started out as a solid ball of rock. You bought the rock and then the vendor used a medieval looking contraption to crack it open and show you the sparkly inside. Pretty neat, huh? I think I'm going to spray the backsides with high gloss sealer and put them on my mantle.
I swear I own a real camera. The iPhone is just so dang convenient!
Since not everyone was lucky enough to go to the G,M and F Show (that's what all the cool kids are calling it.) I thought I would share some of my favorite au naturel inspired finds from Etsy.

If You Wanna Be My Lover....
Let me preface this by saying I love my husband. He's great, he gets me (or he fakes it really well), he never passes judgement on the crazy things I do and for the most part he goes along with all my ridiculous ideas and schemes. He's nothing if not encouraging and supportive. With that said, if I were to go all Rocky Horror and make myself a man (in just 7 days at that!) I would abide by the following strict criteria.
1) Recognition that the 90's were the best decade, hands down. Best music, best TV, best fashion. Yes, I was but a mere tween for most of the decade but it left a lasting mark. I still find myself wishing for the TGIF lineup every Friday and don't even get me started on how I've pined for Total Request Live (don't misunderstand, I DO NOT mean TRL, I mean when they actually showed the full music video and Carson was hosting with his few black fingernails.) He needs to know all the words to Clueless and possibly own the soundtrack, understand the teen angst of Daria and be able to sing the theme song from Salute Your Shorts.
2) Be well versed in all things pop trivial. (Especially, but not limited to, 90's pop trivia.) I'm anxiously awaiting the moment in my life when something bad happens and the only thing that's going to save us is a pop trivia battle to the death. I need to know my man has got my back. He needs to know right off bat the name of Beavis' alter ego ("I am the great Cornholio!"), where Kelly and Zack broke up (The costume ball, duh.) and the name of the White Ranger (oh so sexy, Tommy). I refuse to be shamed by an unknowing counterpart.
3) NEVER comment or complain about my hoarding of shoes and panties. I'm aware that I have only two feet and one bum. You won't win that arguement. A lady can never have too many shoes or panties, that's what I always say. So what if they're taking up three whole drawers?
4) Agree that Batman and Robin is the best of the Joel Shumacher Batmans. I don't want to hear about the bad reviews, the Razzie nominations, the nipples on the Bat suit or any other trash talking about this flick. Has everyone forgotten how hot Uma was as Poison Ivy? Or the quirky cuteness of Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl? Just to be topped off by a heartbroken Swarzenegger as Mr. Freeze?
Newsflash people! George Clooney is a fox. Val Kilmer isn't too shabby either but Micheal Keaton is a nerd. And not the "skinny jeans, black frame glasses, I'm going to be the next Steve Jobs" kind. Granted, I will admit that none of them can hold a candle to Christian Bale but we really weren't talking about the serious Batman movies were we?
Lucky for me, Micah mostly is like this. And what he doesn't know, I'm drilling into his head. However, we've had to agree to disagree about Batman and Robin. For now. :)
1) Recognition that the 90's were the best decade, hands down. Best music, best TV, best fashion. Yes, I was but a mere tween for most of the decade but it left a lasting mark. I still find myself wishing for the TGIF lineup every Friday and don't even get me started on how I've pined for Total Request Live (don't misunderstand, I DO NOT mean TRL, I mean when they actually showed the full music video and Carson was hosting with his few black fingernails.) He needs to know all the words to Clueless and possibly own the soundtrack, understand the teen angst of Daria and be able to sing the theme song from Salute Your Shorts.
2) Be well versed in all things pop trivial. (Especially, but not limited to, 90's pop trivia.) I'm anxiously awaiting the moment in my life when something bad happens and the only thing that's going to save us is a pop trivia battle to the death. I need to know my man has got my back. He needs to know right off bat the name of Beavis' alter ego ("I am the great Cornholio!"), where Kelly and Zack broke up (The costume ball, duh.) and the name of the White Ranger (oh so sexy, Tommy). I refuse to be shamed by an unknowing counterpart.
3) NEVER comment or complain about my hoarding of shoes and panties. I'm aware that I have only two feet and one bum. You won't win that arguement. A lady can never have too many shoes or panties, that's what I always say. So what if they're taking up three whole drawers?
4) Agree that Batman and Robin is the best of the Joel Shumacher Batmans. I don't want to hear about the bad reviews, the Razzie nominations, the nipples on the Bat suit or any other trash talking about this flick. Has everyone forgotten how hot Uma was as Poison Ivy? Or the quirky cuteness of Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl? Just to be topped off by a heartbroken Swarzenegger as Mr. Freeze?
Newsflash people! George Clooney is a fox. Val Kilmer isn't too shabby either but Micheal Keaton is a nerd. And not the "skinny jeans, black frame glasses, I'm going to be the next Steve Jobs" kind. Granted, I will admit that none of them can hold a candle to Christian Bale but we really weren't talking about the serious Batman movies were we?
Lucky for me, Micah mostly is like this. And what he doesn't know, I'm drilling into his head. However, we've had to agree to disagree about Batman and Robin. For now. :)
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Some much needed improvements
Despite the fact that my husband was confined to the bed from his foot surgery and required LOTS of attention, I still managed to have a pretty productive weekend. Besides catching up on movies I've been meaning to watch (50/50, Drive and The Secret World of Arrietty) I finally organized and set up my craft room. I converted the spare room/bunny room into a creative space where I can read, write, create or just simply have some "me time". It basically looks just like my living room in my beloved apartment did and that's definitely a plus! I've got ample space to do pretty much anything I can think of in there. Thankfully, we didn't get rid of that ugly old computer desk so I have a great workspace that will be okay if it gets damaged.
(Phin and Booboo were loving having me in "their" room)
It doesn't look very inspiring or creative yet but fun decorating plans are in the works. A few things I'm considering are strings of origami hanging or draped across the walls, some twinkle lights, and maybe even a few cotton ball clouds hanging from the ceiling. I should mention that this was a child's bedroom before we bought the house and the ceiling is painted blue with white clouds. The greatest idea that I can hopefully follow through with will be to hang fabric from the ceiling that drapes over the futon (like a canopy for a bed) so that it resembles a teepee! If you can't be creative in a teepee then your creative juices may have dried up!
The whole motivation for finally working on this room came from the creative writing workshop videos I recently purchased from my favorite author, Francesca Lia Block. I'm absolutely in love with any and everything she writes and she definitely had some good advice and tips in her videos. One of her main points was to surround yourself with a creative space that inspires you. Fill it with images and objects that you can get ideas from, candles, music, bascially anything that evokes the senses.
Since I spend a lot of time on the internet getting craft ideas and tips and whatnot I also revamped the Tumblr account I had, Wonders of the Wild, and made it into an album of images that appeal to me in one way or another. It's actually a pretty fun project and it satisfies my "hoarding/collecting of pretty things urges".
All the images are found via Pinterest, or WeHeartIt, so sadly it's basically impossible to credit them.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Rambo & Terminator
I saw this on People this morning and had to share. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. Apparently they were both in for shoulder surgery. Old boys should probably be a little more cautious.
Monday, February 6, 2012
One day I'll actually finish that blasted photo project but right now I MUST tell you about my crafty weekend.
Now that our living room has been re-painted a delightful shade of yellow I've been attempting to decorate it and make it cozy. I had big plans to finish spraying my old picture frames gold this weekend but Mother Nature decided to put a hitch in that plan and sent us rain and wind all weekend. Unwilling to have gold spray paint blown back in my face, I abandoned that project for another weekend and set my sights on a new craft.
EMBROIDERY. Sounds a bit scary, especially to a girl that's never sewn more than a button. I'm not kidding when I say this though, it was so easy! Not to mention fun and satisfying. Seriously, the only skills you need the ability to trace a pattern and thread a needle. I made 4 lovely little pieces this weekend and even learned a new stitch, the split stitch.
Originally, I had planned to learn to cross stitch but I just couldn't commit to learning so many stitches, rules and what not. There are absolutely no rules or right ways to embroider and that is much more appealing to a free spirit. I lucked out and found two fantastic and helpful stitching/craft blogs, Wild Olive and Feeling Stitchy. They gave great tips about needles, thread, types of stitches etc. They both even offer free patterns which I took advantage of. Bad Birds also offers some super cute free patterns.
I used my computer screen as a make shift light box for tracing and taped the fabric right to the screen. I read about using transfer pencils and tracing paper then ironing it onto the fabric but I simply couldn't get that to work. All in all I was extremely satisfied with my results. Especially when I learned the split stitch. It made my projects look like I'd been sewing for ages. I may have finally found my talent and I'm so happy! I can't sing, I don't play an instrument, I'm not artistically gifted at drawing/painting but by golly I can trace and stitch!
Funny Story: My sweet but elderly boss (whose altar ego is Hitler) inquired about my weekend and I told her about learning to embroider. Her only response, "You've become so domesticated." Ugh thanks? I hate to tell her, but I wasn't stitching my sampler like a good colonial girl (although, Felicity Merriman was my favorite American Girl doll, so I might make one in her honor!) I was stitching gnomes and bunnies and a Pegasus. Maybe one day she'll get me.
Here's so poor quality pics of what I made. Not to shabby for first attempts if you ask me but I could be biased.
Now that our living room has been re-painted a delightful shade of yellow I've been attempting to decorate it and make it cozy. I had big plans to finish spraying my old picture frames gold this weekend but Mother Nature decided to put a hitch in that plan and sent us rain and wind all weekend. Unwilling to have gold spray paint blown back in my face, I abandoned that project for another weekend and set my sights on a new craft.
EMBROIDERY. Sounds a bit scary, especially to a girl that's never sewn more than a button. I'm not kidding when I say this though, it was so easy! Not to mention fun and satisfying. Seriously, the only skills you need the ability to trace a pattern and thread a needle. I made 4 lovely little pieces this weekend and even learned a new stitch, the split stitch.
Originally, I had planned to learn to cross stitch but I just couldn't commit to learning so many stitches, rules and what not. There are absolutely no rules or right ways to embroider and that is much more appealing to a free spirit. I lucked out and found two fantastic and helpful stitching/craft blogs, Wild Olive and Feeling Stitchy. They gave great tips about needles, thread, types of stitches etc. They both even offer free patterns which I took advantage of. Bad Birds also offers some super cute free patterns.
I used my computer screen as a make shift light box for tracing and taped the fabric right to the screen. I read about using transfer pencils and tracing paper then ironing it onto the fabric but I simply couldn't get that to work. All in all I was extremely satisfied with my results. Especially when I learned the split stitch. It made my projects look like I'd been sewing for ages. I may have finally found my talent and I'm so happy! I can't sing, I don't play an instrument, I'm not artistically gifted at drawing/painting but by golly I can trace and stitch!
Funny Story: My sweet but elderly boss (whose altar ego is Hitler) inquired about my weekend and I told her about learning to embroider. Her only response, "You've become so domesticated." Ugh thanks? I hate to tell her, but I wasn't stitching my sampler like a good colonial girl (although, Felicity Merriman was my favorite American Girl doll, so I might make one in her honor!) I was stitching gnomes and bunnies and a Pegasus. Maybe one day she'll get me.
Here's so poor quality pics of what I made. Not to shabby for first attempts if you ask me but I could be biased.
Very first one!
Attempt at letters, before I learned the split stitch.
Not quite finished but you get the idea
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