There's very little in this world that I absolutely detest. Mostly that list is made of foods I hate and celebrities I can't stand. Mayo, Cameron Diaz, eggs, Jennifer Aniston etc. But being stuck with a needle may be more hated than any of those things. I can't take it. I have two tattoos and want more but the thought of someone drawing blood just ties my stomach in knots. I have to go have bloodwork done today to see if my new medicine is doing it's job, (More on that later) and I literally woke up at 2am and again at 6am stressing about this. I've given myself a headache and I've barely been able to eat. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? I'm a grown woman and I'm acting like a baby. Everytime in the past that I've had to have blood drawn I think to myself, "Well that wasn't nearly as bad or painful as I was expecting" but when the next time comes around I go to pieces again. Ugh. I get disappointed in myself everytime. Maybe one day my fear will pass and I will be able to put my big girl panties on and deal with it. I'm not thinking that day is today, though. So if you are of the praying variety, please send up a little prayer for me that I don't freak and pass out and embarrass myself. That would definitely be worse than the needle.